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Learning is the key to children development, but it is not a simple, homogenous process. What to learn, when to learn, and how to learn are arrived at through a conscious and extensive study of children as well as a comprehensive understanding of the human being through all stages of child’s development. Beeckton Bunnies strive to help each child individually to become a clear-thinking, sensitive and well-centered human being.


The curriculum is inspired by Montessori’s developmental  philosophy , emphasizing on the whole development of the child –, physical, moral, spiritual and academic. At each stage of development, the curriculum is designed to engage the potential of the growing child. In Beeckton Bunnies child care, this is achieved through child led creative play and the imaginative and creative presentation of material by our professional staff.


The Beeckton Bunnies’s pedagogic approach takes as given the interdependence of physical, emotional, social, spiritual and cognitive development of the child. It is based on the holistic view of the child, acknowledging his/her soul qualities, and accentuating on fact that child’s learning flourishes in a peaceful, predictable, familiar and safe environment that recognises the child’s individual sensitivities.  Children in their early years of development need to experience the relevance of their own world before they separate themselves from it and begin to analyse it in a detached way.


Learning achieves meaning by its relevance to real life experience and should not be separated from the narrative of daily living. The learning experience of children under the age of five therefore is integrated and not subject-based.

The concept of Mathematics and Mathematical vocabulary, for instance, might take place at the cooking table, where food is prepared and sliced (for example cucumber make wonderful circles and have the added virtue of being able to be eaten later!) and concepts such as addition and subtraction (or more or less), weight, measure, quantity and shape are absorbed effortlessly as part of daily life.


 Children are able to tell a story just by looking at the pictures in a book, which develops their verbal skills, and encourages children to use and enrich their vocabulary. Another activity that boosts the development of verbal and dramatic skills and encourages children to form dialogues is the performance of puppet shows.


The conversations around the meal table offer the children another opportunity to practice their listening and speaking skills, and also to start appreciating rhyming and riddles. Painting and drawing help with balance and symmetry, and craft activities also develop fine motor skills. The integration of these activities cultivates a love of language, develops speech and allows children time to become really familiar with the spoken word – the foundation of literacy.


Beeckton Bunnies Activities


  • Practical & Social: Creative Play, Baking, Drawing, Craft, Gardening, outside play.


  • Artistic: Painting, drawing, doll making, sewing.


  • Oracy & Pre-literacy skills: rhymes, sound games, movement, painting (pen hold), line drawing.


  • Numeracy: Sorting, counting, weighing, playing shop, post office, folding napkins, setting places at table, etc.


  • Technology: For example, making apple juice using a manual juicer, baking, etc.


  • Nature Study: Walks, expeditions, seasonal festivals, gardening.


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